Friday, December 17, 2010

He is My Christmas Tree Light

It’s getting close to Christmas, and one of the ways I can tell is from all of the tacky, but yet couldn’t live without them, beautiful lights stringed across almost every house in the town. It’s beautiful to drive in the town when the sun is going down to see the bright lights flicker on as the skies turn into a beautiful rage of rich purples, pinks, reds, golden yellows, and oranges. I love Christmas, it’s one of my favorite times of the year, the stories that I got to hear as a child all rush back to me in a big chilling breeze that still makes me smile, even if I’m having a bad day. I remember the clay-mation movies, and saying to my Mom, “No Mom, please stop, you dancing to One Foot in Front of the Other isn’t cool at all!” Then the next thing you would see is my Mom and I dancing to that very song as the movie played on in the background. My little brother and my older brother sitting on the couch wanting to watch something else, just to be cool, when I knew they really wanted to watch it. Setting up the Christmas tree, having to beg my brothers and my father to help set it up. Then after it is all done, and the house has the nutcrackers and the Santas set up, with the manger scene up on the mantle, I would sit on the couch, and just stare at the tree. The lights on it are white and the ornaments are ones that we have collected over the years. It is by far one of the prettiest things in our house around this time of year, since we don’t have lights that we put on the outside of our house, the tree lights is all we have. But for the past two December’s; Christmas has been sinking up on me, and I hadn’t even notice it. But I’m not letting that happen this time, I am now a part of the 8:30 service at my church, and I making sure to listen and watch my childhood Christmas movies that I love so much that bring me back that winter chill that makes me smile as if I was still 7 years old instead of 17. But now that I really understand what Christmas is about, and that it isn’t just about the lights on the houses, and the nutcrackers/Santas that my Mom has placed up around the house, making it seem evermore so beautiful to her. But it’s about the lights on the tree that is so close to the manger scene. It’s about the Light that came to the earth, when it was filled with darkness. It’s about how and why Jesus came to us on this day.
                There’s this ornament on the tree, it happens to be mine, I think. And ever since it was placed on that old fake Germen Christmas Tree of ours, I have always taken it down and played with it, in fact it is a doll with the words “Keep Christmas in your heart” stitched into the doll’s stomach which happens to have a heart on it. I love that doll and I always have, but this time when I picked it off the tree the words said something else to me. It was almost like I found the meaning to it from all these years past. “Keep Me in your heart”, I accidently read instead of the real words. I immediately realized what I had read, and found myself writing about it here. “Keep Me in your heart”, is what God wanted me to do, to keep Him, Jesus Christ, in my heart. And as I looked at the doll, and rubbed my thumb over it, I found that God wasn’t only talking about this time of year, but was talking about every day in my life. Because we all do it, threw out our daily life we don’t think/say, “I am so thankful that God, my Father, came to this earth for me. To teach me, and that He loves me so much that He, He myself, would come down to pay for what I have done to not only others, but myself as well.” Yeah, we don’t do that, well at least I don’t. No, not every day, I would love to say I do. Shoot I would love to say that I was a perfect Christen, but that would be lying, and I am no liar. But I know God understands that I’m not perfect, but He just wants me to try to keep Him not only in my heart, like “Oh yeah I’m a Christen”, but to also keep Him on my mind as much as possible. God loves us, and wants the very best for us, which means many things, but one of them is to not only think of Him when we are in terrible, or worried, or in the Christmas spirit. Which is better than not thinking about Him at all, but He would rather it also be when we are happy and glad to be alive. Cause God sent His only Son, our Saving Grace, our Prince of Peace, our Teacher, our only Light to this darkness that we live in. Just like my family’s old fake German Christmas Tree lights, that is the only thing that lights my house to the rest of the world, and is by far the prettiest thing in our house this scene. So may you find that Christ is always near and not just around Christmas. And may you find that He wants to be in your heart always and forever. And may you find that He was sent down here as the only light in our darkness. And may you have a very merry Christmas.

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